It is our privilege to serve our local community through our regular church and outreach services or through special services on significant occasions in people’s lives. Through these points of contact, we hope to form and strengthen supportive relationships between our church and those who live in our community.


Baby Dedications

It’s exciting when a new child enters a family. There is no greater moment than when parents come to acknowledge that their children are gifts from God. It is indeed a joyous event for which God should be praised.

What is a Baby Dedication?

A baby dedication is a ceremony in which parents make a public commitment before God and the church to raise their child according to the Word of God. During the ceremony godparents are charged to publicly commit to supporting the parents in raising the child and the officiating Pastor pronounces a blessing on the child.

What is the difference between Christening and Baby Dedication?

Many religions offer “infant baptism” or christening to parents as a practice that is believed by some to wash away original sin and make the baby a part of the family of God. At Light of the World, we believe that baptism is only intended for those who have personally made a commitment to follow Christ. Since infants are not able to make such decisions, we dedicate children to the Lord so that they will one day accept Christ as their Saviour.


Marriage is a wonderful, God-given institution and it is our privilege to assist couples before, during and after their wedding. Our Bishop is able to take couples through a pre-marital counselling process and perform a warm and orderly service of marriage on the big day. Ideally, it is our desire to form an ongoing relationship with couples and welcome them into our church rather than just performing the ceremony.

Prospective couples should first make contact with our church office, obtain the requisite information from the Office Assistant and arrange a meeting with the Bishop prior to booking a wedding date.



Funerals / Memorial Services

The difference between a funeral and a memorial service is the fact that the body of the deceased is present at a funeral but not always at a memorial service. At both funerals and memorials we do not just recognize that a life has ended, but we focus on honouring and celebrating the life that was lived and will continue to live on in the hearts of many.

The family of the deceased is given the opportunity to gather and recall those things that mattered to them about their loved one’s life. Those special memories are the things that are highlighted as we celebrate the life of your loved one.